Good by old me

I just realized that Im nothing. I will not longer hold on to dreams and hope, I give everything back to the universe, and my life to my children, I don’t want anything for myself anymore. so hopefully I can get rid of the pain that self springs.

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Some things that really bother me!

I wonder When Are we Going to start judging our own governments? They have imposed on us a set of rules and laws that they don’t follow themselves, they scrutinize The actions of the individual and generalize their punishment without taking consideration to the circumstances that brought does action into play.

They expect us to behave and act within their standards, and to contribute part of our resources to help keep everything in place.

The facts are that our leaders have became out of touch, Their concerns are the concerns of the powerful not the Commonwealth, they are ignoring our most basic needs. Is time for us to start having expectations from our governments!

They are the creators of some of the most horrific actions against humanity, since their beginning they have Judge, persecute and impose their will upon us the “commoners”. They expect us to follow them blindly without any question.

We can’t afford to do that any longer. We are in the beginning of a new age, we are in transitional times, we need to redefine the place of government within our evolution, we need to find new definitions for what a leader is, and the role it plays within The Commonwealth needs, and not just cater to the privilege few.

We have to go back and look into the basic nature of humanity, go back to the times when survival required the participation of the village, when we understood that we all have a role to play, when we only took what we need it, the times where we share knowledge freely, When they were no labels that define who we are Instead our actions and contributions gave us the merits to define the role we take.

We have the power to choose what direction we want humanity to take. We the individual can be a single voice.

We must shed all the labels that we have created to divide us, we have to truly look beneath all those differences that disassociate us from each other.

On till we don’t remove all those labels we can’t move forward. We have learned how look at each other for what we truly are, to celebrate our culture as one race “Human” because that is what we are. We have been lied to, and we have fallen For too long deep into that Lie.

We need to realize that if we want to survive we need to work together, we have been divided for too long.

For the past 4000 years we have used similar systems, We must change these plutonomy and built a system That can handle modern social issues, so we can grow and keep evolving according to the current level of the technological and intellectual way we are heading into.

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